Wedding Gifts

Published on Friday, July 15, 2022

That marriage to which you are invited might be the occasion of a major social event or whether an intimate party reserved for the inner circle, it can consecrate the union of your two best friends or that of the daughter of a cousin you do not see anymore, the gift that you select and offer this is an opportunity that deserves the most attention because, in essence, it reflects your feelings and will remain its testimony for years.

To make a formal gift  is a pity and to rely on the wedding list can be a little bit sad, or indiscreet, as displaying the budget or even risky if your gift is turned into a travel.

About budget, it is usually calculated from the estimated cost per person of the reception to which you are invited, and the strength of your feelings will, or not,  do the rest.
It is always welcome to be guide by the taste of the one you most want to honor, integrating of course that you give the gift to a couple.

Always ensure the delivery to the receiver of the gift you carefully selected, it would be a pity if it is taking too long or even wanders along the way or you would be frustrated not getting your well deserved thanks.