The tables around the barbecue

Published on Thursday, June 15, 2023

Near the barbecue, not too close! we placed a table for 4 or 6 people, cheerful and bright, functional and appetizing. Everyone, placing themselves there freely after having grilled what they wanted, will find near the plate, salt, pepper, various sauces and mustards, olive oil and aromatic herbs... to best appreciate these convivial moments.

Cheerfulness in the decoration of tables is essential and contrasting colors can be used without fear, nature being our setting.
Wooden meat boards are ideal plates, and, even if the barbecue allows you to eat with your fingers, provide meat knives and wooden skewers to take the grills.

Glazed or natural clay, pitchers or jugs with amusing shapes, keep water and wine at the right and constant temperature, while waiting for cheeses or fruits to be grilled on the last fires of the embers.