A buffet in the garden

Published on Friday, July 22, 2022

The buffet, whether considered under the theme of a meal taken seated in small groups or standing, always allows you to invite a large number of guests. The free movement of guests promotes exchanges and animation, especially in a garden.

The table where the buffet will be set should always be set up in an open area but protected from the wind. This should be easily accessible and preferably in the shade of a large tree... remembering that the sun turns!

Do not hesitate to make the buffet accessible from all sides and thus more user-friendly. Alongside the garnished dishes, the plates for the second course are stacked there or presented on plate racks. A few cutlery and complementary glasses, as well as paper napkins, wait on a corner of the buffet, just in case.

The buffet must also be easily accessible because, if it lightens the service, it nevertheless imposes a certain surveillance: you have to bring new dishes, remove used plates and glasses as you go, etc.


It is good to provide straw hats for the guests, or umbrellas in case of strong sun. And have on hand what you need to soothe an insect bite or a burn.

If your dinner lasts until nightfall, you should provide tealights on each table and on the buffet. Hurricane lanterns are also very decorative.

As for cigarette butts, horror of gardeners,
they can only be avoided by a profusion of pretty ashtrays.