Black Stone table service in sandstone, light blue, bread [1]
Black Stone table service in sandstone, light blue, bread [2]
Black Stone table service in sandstone, light blue, bread [3]

Black Stone table service in sandstone

35,00 €

Black Stone table service in sandstone, dark blue, brunch Black Stone table service in sandstone, beige, brunch Black Stone table service in sandstone, light blue, bread Black Stone table service in sandstone, violet, bread

Made in France

Découvrez un style à part : Black stone & Scarab
Delivery time: Between 3 weeks and a month


The first complete service imagined by Marisa Osorio Farinha is stamped in black sandstone, with this distinctive organic shape, like a pebble or the waves it would make by ricochet in calm water.

More details

Material and style

  • Hand stamped and shaped sandstone
  • Brush enamelled


Perfectly dishwasher safe.

Dimensions and weight:

Small plate : 16.5cm, 200g
Brunch: 19cm, 300g
Dessert: 23cm, 350g
Table: 27cm, 490g
Deep plate : 18 cm and 5 cm high, 360 g
Rectangle: 26.5 x 14.5 cm, 500 g

Salad bowl:
Dish: 29.5 cm, 650 g
Large dish: 34 cm, 1 kg