A Good Seating Table

Published on Friday, July 15, 2022

If your table is rectangular or oval, two solutions: the English Presidency or the French style. In all cases, the hosts will face.

In France, tradition dictates that guests sit face to face, in the middle of the table. They will have the guests of honor on their right, and on their left, and the one coming immediately afterwards. It then distributes the other guests, alternating the sexes as far as possible. Closer friends and younger guests will be at the ends of the table.

English adopt another system that avoid some guests to be find at the end of the table, seats considered less friendly : the hosts are placed face to face at each end of the table. The guests we would like to honor occupy the middle of the long sides. This method allows a better distribution of the table.

Know that it is an habit to separate the couples, except the newlyweds and engaged couples. It also better to separates relatives or those who have joint activities in order to maintain the dynamism of the conversation, legitimate pride of every hosts, and avoid dialogues at the expense of a conversation that shines around the table.

Guests received for the first time as well as foreigners have preference over all other guests.

So, in general, to know how to seat your guests, you must consider the age of your guests, their social situation, and, if applicable, their foreign nationality or guest received for the first time.

For example, Madame take on his right, an elderly gentleman, a clergyman, the boss of your husband, a passing stranger in your town, a young man you have not invited ... Monsieur : a old lady, the wife of his boss ... etc. Avoid just too many people that could claim the place of honor that you physically can only offer the one!

Once the protocol is set, remember to take into account the affinities between your guests and try to place people who have something to say to each another.

In short, to avoid any confusion when you sit at the table, a good solution are the cards holders, so you can write the first name of everyone prior to their arrival. While some prefer to always place their guests directly.

The composition of your menu will also retain all your attention. This is an opportunity to change things up and prepare a particularly refined cuisine. Be sure to balance, no dishes made of the same elements, and vary the cooking techniques.