How to set a Cocktail Table

Published on Friday, July 15, 2022

As your guests are not asked to sit around a table, we can look for decorative floral arrangements of large volumes, such as pyramids of flowers or fruit, and large branches.

The buffet table can be easily improvised with wood cut, placed on trestles. It will then be covered with a white or plain tablecloth, if one opts for a traditional look, or fabrics by the meter if the selected color. However, we must always rely a great quantity fabrics as foot trestles must not be visible for obvious reasons, and it will also store empty or full bottles.

The great white tablecloth win to be decorated on the front of a large wreath of leaves or flowers, great to develop the colors you like or your favorite themes. Those are not details, but a way  to single out your house. 
Thus, in a house of musicians, one can drag small musical instruments, etc.

If the decoration should never impede the flow of guests, it is the rule while at a party, decorating the buffet table comes in minor in the room where it is drawn up and in the entry, which promotes general harmony and creates a rhythm.