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Published on Friday, July 22, 2022

The harvests and the vegetable gardens full of fruits and vegetables, the golden brown vegetation, all nature is adorned with sumptuous and warm colors, wonderfully coordinated under the autumn light. We prefer a large and long rectangular table, left without a tablecloth if the top allows it, or covered with a linen embroidered or printed in reddish brown, wine red, pink brown hues, highlighting the central composition. This centerpiece will be the centerpiece of the staging. Built from a mixture of fruits, vegetables or branches, it can associate by colors the branches of rosehips covered with fruits and small green or red cabbages, enhanced with grapes and elderberries. In the range of roses and oranges, we can group together pumpkins, chestnuts in their bugs and physalis or wilted hydrangea flowers. The plates can be white earthenware, plain and scalloped, or with plant shapes, but they can also be decorated with animal or plant themes. The cutlery can be in silver, pewter, or steel, but it is welcome to associate them with horn or bone meat knives.